Here is a picture of my belly that Brad took last night when I got home from work, this is at 18 weeks!

Behind me, and below, is the newest addition to our apartment.. a bookshelf! we love it! the bottom two shelves are for the baby. Brad even made a sign that says "reserved for Jack or Lily's stuff." We like those two names A LOT (Jackson but Jack for short:)

We LOVE having Alex and Sarah here! We get together with them often, but these pictures are from a couple weeks ago when we had that monday off and now I cant at all remember what the holiday was....................................... MLK!

Anyway, they came over and shared in our big breakfast, we made cinnamon rolls (my thing) and biscuits and gravy( Brads thing... and he is SOOOOOOO good at it!!!) Delicious!!!!! the picture below he is making biscuits from scratch because I forgot we ran out of bisquick!

Then we went sledding on the big hill... I will label so you know who they are, but I was told by the doctor not to sled so I just went real slow once half way down and mostly enjoyed taking pictures! It was A BLAST!

All three of them!


He looks so jolly!

haha defying gravity!

Alex got thrown from the tube...

The beginning of Sarahs big fall


sliding the rest of the way down... WITH a smile! :)

Idaho is not so bad!

Brad felt bad even though I was having fun taking pictures... but I did go half down once... :)

The end!