So I FINALLY am making time to update my blog, and instead of starting back with all the ones I have been meaning to post, Im just gonna do the one Im most excited about now. I finally finished my 3 intense block classes today and I finished cleaning up Jacksons room yesterday so HERE IT IS!!!! Also, at the bottom is a picture of the blanket that I am working on thats from my mom (jacks grandma... crazy!!) and me (jacks mom... so crazy!!) ANyway... Its going to be ADORABLE and when I finish it, it will get its own post.

This is a cute vintage bike license plate that my mom found and got for him and I think it looks so cute on his door:)

The paper lanterns and poms above his bed I was soo excited about and the red one had a light in it so it looks cool and works as a nice nightlight. total cost of all of that; $13!!!

these are some fun paintings that me and brad did (hes such a good sport) for jacks room, I think they turned out so cute, and the vinyl above it that says "oh the places you'll go" my sister in law sarah jayne found at a dollar store in boise!! LOVE IT!

the dr seuss blanket-in-progress and ADORABLE denim bumpers compliments of my awesome mom! :)

we cant paint the walls but my mom gave me the orange fabric from our wedding reception and it adds a ton to the room!

My friend Kim made and drew and framed this adorable Jackson wall hanging with Dr Seuss characters all around it.. its soooo cute and just made me feel so special she took so much time for me!

This is his closet... above it are some little canvas's I got and painted to say JACK and then i loved all his little hats so much I had to hang them up!! and i loved my target find.. those PERFECT sized red bins on sale that hold all his adorable little things!

Brads aunt gave/made such a cute diaper cake for us... which was so sad to take apart but LOOK AT ALL THOSE TINY DIAPERS!!!!!!! :) and his bath stuff that i smell DAILY... at least...

This is his high tech pack n play that is his bassinet and had this handy newborn napper on it! Everyone has been so generous to us.

THIS is the blanket I was talking about..... COMING SOON!!!! ITS GONNA BE SO CUTE!!