To celebrate fall, we went to the apple orchard to pick some nice apples, and our idea was to make caramel apples and bring them to people but the store didnt have the caramels or sticks for it! so we did some easy apple dumplings instead. Plus it was a good excuse for Brad to get to have the left over soda for a week. Try them! so easy. http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/2008/02/apple_dumplings/

let me just get this off my chest first... it was so fun... however... there were so many lady bugs flying around that 1)jackson almost ate one that landed on me by his face and 2) i felt like they were crawling all over me the rest of the night. ALSO, i stepped in mud as soon as we got there. SQUISHY!

double chin. who cares? not me or jack! we heart moby wrap.

this is brad posing while picking apples. :)

me squeezing his booty.

our apples!

the apple shack where you weigh and pay!
It was a wonderful night. we had lots of fun and have been eating the apples ever since!