Thursday, November 11, 2010

even better news makes good news bad news

SO remember that chinese food? well... THAT was good news. The better news? we are expecting!! the good news becoming bad news? it made me so very sick for a good 24 hours afterwards. yikes. oh well. i suffered through it, cried plenty at work yesterday... yes... a little uncontrollably, and then came home to cry to brad about how i have two jobs and am failing at both. I could barely get the words out to him telling him the apartment is a mess, the laundry isnt done, i never make dinner, im unhappy all the time (not really true but seemed true at the moment!) And how my other job to make money... im awful at. (that one really is prolly true but im trying.) Anyway, it was a bad day. today in comparison was glorious, my kids were awesome, we finally made turkeys to go on the bulletin board and i didnt throw up and only suffered minor nausea!

my favorite thing i crave all the time: rice krispies with bananas and a little sugar. mm.

i need to start exercising more though. Ive been losing a little weight from being sick but im also getting flabby. i dont wanna be a flabby young mom, i wanna be a hot mama! haha... okay or really just not flabby. okay done my hormonal ramblings.


  1. pregnant sounds like a period but worse haha but I'm happy you are because there's a baby at the end!

  2. Thanks for the blog link. Just a warning....I am a blog commenter :) And I don't think you have to worry about being a hot mama!
