Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Here he is!! I cant write too much about how Im so excited to have a little buddy with me always, and to take him on camping trips with us and just all the fun we are going to have with our little boy Jackson... I mean I could write a ton (and probably will later) but for now I had better get back to my homework! I just wanted to put up a couple of pictures:) The ultrasound tech got a really cute still frame of his profile and already chubby cheeks but didnt print it. And since they give you a dvd for free we felt weird asking for it. But the first one he is in the "muslim praying position" and you can see his cute little arms and legs and you can definately see that he is a boy! Then theres a cute picture of his little foot :) and THEN some of my ever-growing belly. I liked the last one brad took more candidly because i often find myself looking at my belly/the baby in the mirror and anyway, just put it up because i felt like it! WELCOME JACKSON!!!


  1. I'm so excited for you Stephie! I can't wait to see little baby Jackson, and i'm sure you and Brad will be great parents (:

  2. I love love love the pictures! thanks for sharing with us!

  3. Yea for little boys! You look super cute as a pregnant lady too!
