Oh and we got lost at the end of our trip and ended up down this road near pocatello and while brad was on the phone for directions I noticed there were donkeys all over the road ahead of us!!! It helped lighten the mood:)
Trips are so fun. Since we both grew up in families whose parents werent afraid to load up the car and drive, we have both come to love roadtrips! Our first roadtrip as a new family (sounds so crazy to say family since its just me and brad!) was up to our new apartment. Brads parents were life-savers and SOO good to us to not only give us pretty much all the furniture we own but also to drive all of it up to idaho in a trailer and pick-up along with all of my stuff that they also helped fly out to california from my house in florida. Anyway... I am in love with our new apartment. we havent yet decorated our room or hung up the other few pictures in the family room but it is what it is! Oh... im so scatter-brained! I meant to talk about our trip! It was fun because we got to stop where-ever we wanted! we stopped and looked at the mountains and bought some fireworks in nevada and saw a little grand canyon outside of twin falls. It was a blast. Heres some pictures:)
Stephie!! I'm so happy for you and Brad! I love you both tons :)