Friday, October 1, 2010

these kids

Im the teacher in the class of three year olds at work and I love these kids. I think about and talk about them alll the time (poor brad). Today they were SOOO good! It was amazing. Normally I come home and am upset because I didnt get to play with them as much or feel like I spent all day sending kids to the corner, taking toys away and cleaning up bodily messes (like poop, potty and throw up) that I didnt even make any difference or like they seriously have no reason to like me. I also have found on occasion that I will get stooped (stoop kids gonna leave his stoop!) so low that I actually am at their level and will do things like tell Piper to take Aleks shoes that he's thrown and put them in the sink since he obviously doesnt want them anymore. These are times Im not proud of.

I had so much fun with them. We did Play doh and rocked out on Corbins awesome guitar that was his show and tell and I showed them how I can burp whenever I want and they sat on my lap and we read books and sang songs and just had a GAY OLE(D) TIME or THYME.

I love these kids on these days. I gotta go shower... my legs look like a forest (obviously Ive let myslf go) and we are going on a double date to Sams Club tonight! wahoo! ow I have a headache from the computer. (I looked at for too long.... shes like my cloverlane! haha)


  1. Love your blog! I will have fun keeping up with your busy lives. Btw-dad was out of town last week and I missed makingthe bed most days and life still went on! So no judgement zone!

  2. this was sooo funny!!! I can relate to a whole lot of these things :)
